Whilst the productivity of our farms is of obvious importance, we also believe that natural biodiversity must be preserved for the future well-being of the land.
The Estate farms 2,359 Ha of cereals, oilseeds and feedstocks for anaerobic digestion in the Moray Firth between Inverness and Elgin. Cereal production is dominated by wheat and malting barley for Scotland’s whisky industry. In recent years the area of grass, energy rye and sugar beet has expanded for use in three anaerobic digesters on the Estate. The digesters produce renewable electricity and biomethane for the gas grid. The digestate, which is an excellent fertiliser, is used on the farms to minimize the use of artificial inputs. 400Ha of the area is farmed organically.
The Estate runs a breeding flock of 3,500 ewes at Doune focusing on high quality Beltex cross lamb production.
On all our inhand farms we have a keen focus on both productivity and environmental impact and look wherever possible to minimize the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides. We have also created new wetlands, planted hedges and landscape trees and used enhanced water margins and wild bird cover to encourage greater biodiversity.
As well as farming directly, the Estate has 13 farm tenants farming 15 farming units which cover approximately 4,500 Ha in the Moray Firth area and at Doune. These farms range from large dairy enterprises to vegetable and cereal production to upland livestock farms. The Estate has had a long relationship with all the families on those farms and wishes to continue to support their businesses into the future.