Looking to the future of energy provision.
The estate owns and operates a 1MW anaerobic digester in Moray producing renewable electricity for the grid. The plant is fed with energy crops, agricultural wastes and distillery by-products. A by-product of the process is digestate (the digested material) which is an excellent fertiliser the use of which has significantly reduced our farm’s use of fossil fuel derived fertilisers.
In addition the estate owns and operates a 300kW wind turbine in Moray and two run of river hydro-electric schemes in West Perthshire with a combined output of 900kW. The renewable generating capacity owned by the estate produces enough electricity for 3-4,000 homes.
There are also renewable energy assets on the estates operated by third parties. These include the 72MW Braes of Doune Windfarm on the Doune Estate and two anaerobic digesters on the Castle Stuart Estate near Inverness. Of these digesters one is a 1MW plant generating electricity and the other is a 2.5MWe gas to grid plant which injects the biomethane into the national gas grid. The estate produces feedstock for the larger plant in a joint venture with one of our partner farmers.