The aim of this scoping process is for information to be gathered relating to both potential opportunities and potential issues so that they can be identified and considered in the final version of the Forest Plan, which is then submitted for Scottish Forestry’s approval.

A short presentation and relevant maps can be downloaded below.

Scoping Presentation Document.pdf
Access Map.pdf
Ancient Woodland Map.pdf
Concept Map.pdf
Continuous Cover Map.pdf
Felling Phases Map.pdf
Historic Info Map.pdf
Location Map.pdf
Restock Species Map.pdf
SAC and SSSI Map.pdf
SPA Map.pdf
Woodland Area Map (Darnaway and Alves).pdf

This describes the current woodland and the woodland management activities that we undertake. The maps show what we propose to fell and replant during the 20yrs period of the Forest Plan.
We are looking to complete the public scoping process by Friday, 31st March 2023.

If you would like to comment on the forest plans and add information that may help us identify opportunities or constraints, please email: